Communicating with Innate: Binary biofeedback Part 4

We are only limited by the questions we ask

Using a binary biofeedback device (such as muscle testing, the occipital drop [OD], the short leg reflex and many others) makes it possible to obtain information about a patient quickly, easily and accurately.

Initially Koren Specific Technique (KST) used the patient’s occiput to obtain  information. It was later discovered (actually re-discovered) that information from the patient’s body could be obtained by using a surrogate – for example, we could obtain information from a mother’s body about her child while she was holding the child.

But then we found the mother didn’t have to hold the child, anyone could hold the child and their body would give us information.

Non-local connection

Then we discovered a “non-local” (non-physical) application of this phenomenon: the mother or any person who was a surrogate didn’t have to be touching the child. We could get information from their body about the child if they just thought of the child.

This phenomenon got “curiouser and curiouser” when we discovered the doctor could be a surrogate for his/her patient. The doctor could get information from his or her own OD (or biofeedback device) about the patient.

This aspect of Koren Specific Technique means the doctor can use him/herself as a binary (yes/no) testing device. It’s a very accurate and very versatile means of getting information. We gave a few examples of this in the previous article.

So now we were no longer limited to pushing, pulling or otherwise challenging vertebrae and body parts to find if they were subluxated or under stress.

We could ask questions (verbally or mentally) to get information about their body. We discovered a whole new world of possibilities – we were only limited by the questions we asked. What kind of questions?  

The first question

Using KST we discovered that nearly everyone working on patients was missing a very important element in subluxation correction – the posture of subluxation. We found that subluxations were posture specific.

Subluxations are sneaky things that come and go as a person moves, sits, stands, lies down and assumes different postures. Chiropractors often insist on working on patients as they lie face down on a table, but who gets subluxated in that position?

So KST’s first question deals with the position in which the patient should be checked or analyzed. Standing? Sitting? Prone? Supine? Posture of injury? Emotional posture? We could now locate (and correct) subluxations that otherwise would never turn up by having a patient assume different postures.

The most annoying teachers

Which patients teach us the most?Those who respond quickly? Or those who don’t respond to care or who plateau? They annoy us and cause us grief but teach us the most. KST is built on failure. Well, hopefully temporary failure, as we try to discover what we’re missing in our most difficult patients.

What am I missing?

KST is a very quick and easy way to locate and correct structural subluxations, fixations, distortions, imbalances and other physical stresses in any posture or while doing any movement. But what do we do when the patient is still not responding? Simple, we keep asking questions.

“What am I missing?” we must ask. “Is it here?” “Is it there,” “This posture?” “That posture?” The body speaks binary so the questions need to be phrased so the answer will be either yes or no.

The next questions

After exhausting body structure we learned to ask about many other common things undermining a person’s health such as dehydration, dental issues, emotional issues* and dropped organs.

For example, we can ask, “Is the patient dehydrated?” We’ll get a yes or no. If we get a no we look somewhere else. If we get a yes we can ask, “On a scale of 1 to 10 how dehydrated?” A severely dehydrated person can have a wide range of health issues from musculoskeletal pain to high blood pressure (and more). It’s the same with many other factors that are typically ignored. Using this tool we become explorers, searching for the myriad factors that may affect a person’s health and wellbeing.

The last question

I call it the last question but it can be asked at any time. That question is, “Is there anything this person is doing that is damaging their health?” Is it something they are drinking? Eating? Breathing? Touching? Is there something in their environment that is damaging their health? Is it in their home? Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, etc. On their property? In their car? In their workplace? In the gym?  At someone else’s home?

For example I asked one patient’s OD the last question and I got a yes (an OD). At work? No. Car? No. Home? Yes. Bathroom? No. Kitchen? No. Living room? Yes. Hmmm. I asked, “Is there something in your living room that is affecting your health?” (When all else fails ask the patient.)

She knew it immediately, “Yes, it my husband’s #%^$% fish tank. It’s making me sick. It’s full of algae, he never cleans it….”

Explore this aspect of healthcare. You’ll be amazed at what your patient’s bODy will reveal.


And then we discovered ways of getting information we hadn’t expected.

See part 5.

*NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) developed by Scott Walker, DC has an excellent flow chart for locating “emotional subluxations.” KST as well as other mind-body procedures also have emotional flowcharts. Any and all may be used

By Tedd Koren, DC

Tedd Koren, D.C. is the developer of Koren Specific Technique. For information, go to Dr. Koren also writes patient education materials for Koren Publications. Go to

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